Welcome to Dysbooks' Blog,
Now, I suppose, I should tell you a little about me.
I'm dyslexic, and I have a degree in English, American Studies, and Creative Writing (2.1). My mother was told when I was six that I would never read or write. My dream is to become an author, and to write books until I am old and grey, and I can no longer grasp a pen. I work as a Bookseller. I own so many books they are piling up on the floor. I volunteer for a group called TOTKO (Takes One To Know One), that goes into schools and gives workshops on learning differences to students, teachers, and parents. I do this because my other dream is to make the world a better place for people with dyslexia, and other learning differences. I founded Dysbooks in 2011, but I have been working on it since 2010. I'm still not quite finished, but I'm getting there, and I hope you will come with me on my journey.
I will be posting here about Dysbooks as it grows and develops, about dyslexia, and a little about my own life too.
Sarah (Dysbooks Founder)