Welcome to Dysbooks' Blog,
I'm Sarah, and I am the founder of a website called dysbooks.com. This aims to help dyslexic people enjoy literature. It does this by providing reviews and sharing useful information with dyslexic people, and those supporting them. It also creates ways for dyslexic people and their supporters to help each other, and to share an enjoyment of all things book related, such as through our Book Club, and Writer's Group.
Now, I suppose, I should tell you a little about me.

I'm dyslexic, and I have a degree in English, American Studies, and Creative Writing (2.1). My mother was told when I was six that I would never read or write. My dream is to become an author, and to write books until I am old and grey, and I can no longer grasp a pen. I work as a Bookseller. I own so many books they are piling up on the floor. I volunteer for a group called TOTKO (Takes One To Know One), that goes into schools and gives workshops on learning differences to students, teachers, and parents. I do this because my other dream is to make the world a better place for people with dyslexia, and other learning differences. I founded Dysbooks in 2011, but I have been working on it since 2010. I'm still not quite finished, but I'm getting there, and I hope you will come with me on my journey.
I will be posting here about Dysbooks as it grows and develops, about dyslexia, and a little about my own life too.
Sarah (Dysbooks Founder)
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